6 Ways To Increase Audience Interest And Drive Conversions For Your Google Ads Campaign

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February 25, 2022
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Google Ads (formerly known as Adwords) can be a great way to promote your business and generate leads.

But in order to get the best results from your campaign, you need to know how to design an effective campaign. Here are 6 steps that will help you optimize your Google Ads campaign for success:

1. Define Your Goals

2. Understand Your Audience

3. Consider Cost Per Click (CPC)

4. Optimize for Mobile Devices

5. Use Remarketing

6. Landing Pages

Define Your Goals

Before you start designing your Google Ads campaign, it’s important to make sure you clearly define what your goals are. Your goals will determine the type of campaign you design, so it’s important to be as specific as possible. For instance, if you have a new product and want to generate awareness of the product, then your goal is to get people to click on the ad. If your goal is to have people purchase your product online, then your goal will be different.

6 Ways to increase audience interest and Drive Conversions for your Google Ads campaign

Once you have defined what your goal is for the campaign, the next step is choosing the right ad type. Ad types are determined by when they show up on a user’s screen—in other words, where are they found in relation to other content on a page. There are three types of ads:

1. Display Ads – Display ads show up alongside or above other content on a site. Display ads can be used for branding campaigns or linking directly to another website.

2. Sponsored Search – Sponsored search advertising appears at the top of SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) and has been shown to convert at higher rates than standard text-based ads because they are more prominently displayed and take up less space than standard text-based ads.​

3. Text Ads –​ Text ads appear below SERPs in a list of sponsored links and can be used for anything from branding campaigns or linking directly to another website.​

Understand Your Audience

It’s important to understand who your target audience is and what they are looking for before you create a campaign. That way, you can tailor it so that it speaks to the needs of that audience.

For example, if your business sells weight-loss products, then your best customers will likely be females between 30-50 years old. It would make sense to focus on websites and blogs that attract that demographic. You’ll also want to include keywords related to your product or service in the text of your ads so that people searching for those keywords will find your ad and click on it.

Specific keywords for Marketing Search Funnel:

Specific keywords based on the audience type and type of marketing campaign that you are deploying are key and important. The choice of keywords can have a significant impact on the type of marketing that you have deployed.

Be aware of the ad placement:

Based on the audience type be aware of the keywords used for your ad placement. If your using keywords that have a high search volume you should set the keywords for the ads campaign. Brand keywords are available on platforms such as SERP stat and MOZ SEO Tool. Non-branded keywords that have a high volume should be targeted and used. This can help improve your ROI and your campaign conversions.

Additionally, if you are running a display or a YouTube campaign you can use implement AdSkate’s solution to gather a necessary list of domains and YouTube channels for the campaign launch. AdSkate’s proven technology can help you with your display campaign needs.

Understand Your Audience

Cost-Per-Click (CPC) is a marketing term that refers to the cost an advertiser pays each time a potential customer clicks on their advertisement.

It’s important to consider your cost-per-click. You want to make sure you’re setting your bids at the right amount so you can get the attention of as many people as possible, but not overspend. If you set your CPC too high, you’ll waste money on clicks that don’t convert into sales. On the other hand, if you set it too low, you won’t be able to capture the interest of enough people and your ad could go unnoticed. So it’s important to find this balance.

Reducing your CPC is a goal that most advertisers strive to achieve. Understanding the five different phases of a customer buying cycle or journey is important and can potentially help in reducing CPC (Cost Per Click)

Brand Awareness– Important to let the customer know what product you are selling. If your product is popular and is “Top of Mind” (TOM) for a consumer offering them a discount would

Consideration – Pricing, product ease of use

Interests – Specific industry interests

Preference – Demo video, Case Study, and product webinars

Purchase – Free Demo, product consultation, and Coupon usage

Optimize for Mobile Devices

Mobile devices are quickly becoming the most popular method of accessing the internet. As such, it’s important to optimize your ads for mobile devices. People using a device like a tablet or a smartphone expect websites and apps to load quickly and work properly, so you need to make sure your ads are designed with mobile in mind.

-Lists steps on how to optimize for mobile devices

-Briefly discusses how Google Ads is an effective way to promote business and drive conversions

Use Remarketing

Remarketing allows you to display ads to people who have visited your website or content. It’s important to use remarketing because it ensures that your ads are showing up for the right people at the right time and on the right device.

There are different ways to set up remarketing, but one of the most popular is using a retargeting pixel. This pixel is a small code that lives on your site, which Google uses to create ad lists based on user activity. If someone visits your site and doesn’t convert, they may see an ad from you in the future, thus increasing your conversions. Remarketing is especially effective when coupled with correctly chosen keywords and geo-targeting options.

There are two ways of deploying remarketing pixels:

Remarketing List for Search Ads (RLSA) is a method for brands and advertisers to customize their search campaigns based on previous users’ website or app visits. An example of RLSA is if a person types in “women’s dress” into Google, they will see ads of dresses from brands they’ve already seen on the site they just visited.

RLSA can be used in two ways:

Making necessary adjustments to bidding strategy based on the remarketing list

Trigger actions and showcase ads only when the user is on the remarketing list

RLSA functions well when a specific user is searching for the key terms and phrases on GDN (Google Display Network) and the user bidding on those key terms too.

Benefits of RLSA:

Using RLSA the user can get a far more qualified and targeted group of intended customers. RLSA can lead to better conversions and ad spend. RSLA is extremely beneficial for small businesses with a limited budget. The only caveat that the user should remember is that they should have at least 1000 unique visitors or more on their site. This is where having a google analytics integration is key.

Also, RLSA is a great method for users to advertise broadcast ads about products that have poor conversion rates.

If you are curious about how to set up an RLSA list please click here!

Dynamic Remarketing Lists for Display (DLSA):

DLSA would be the same type of thing, but instead, it would be targeted towards displaying ads on sites across the web across different devices (mobile or desktop, or tablet). Dynamic remarketing is great for tailoring your message to your audience and helps with building out leads and sales to visitors who had previously seen your website. The ads meant for DLSA can be optimized for real-time bid optimization.

Custom parameters can be created for DLSA. This can be done by embedding specific tags on your product website that would add visitors to specific remarketing lists and associate them to unique IDs for the customized dynamic feed that you have created. You should ensure that you create responsive display ads. This is important because it can adjust the size and format for the available ad inventory for sale.

You can also use RLSA and DLSA together! So if somebody types “women’s dress” into Google again, it may show them an ad for dresses as well as display ads on sites across the web near where they live or where there are other stores that sell dresses. This can be really powerful because you’re targeting people who are looking for your services and reminding them that you exist.

Landing Pages:

Also, ensuring that you have a good landing page is a great way to drive traffic for their google ads campaign. Using Google Optimize or Swipe Page the user can conduct an A/B test on their audience set and potential click-to-call actions.

The landing page plays a crucial role in driving up the necessary conversion rates that you are looking for. Different elements of the landing page can be tested for CTA (Click To Call Action), shape, and color of the button. Additionally, having a tracking pixel would help in understanding what specific actions were conducted on the landing page.

As you plan your campaign launch do keep in mind all the points listed in this blog. And if you do have any questions feel free to reach out to us!

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