How Fashion Brands Can Reach Online Shoppers Using Youtube Advertising

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March 26, 2022
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If you’ve shopped online in the past year, you’ve probably realized that the online retail experience has changed drastically. The covid-19 pandemic dramatically changed the way fashion brands and labels are using YouTube as a medium to reach their target audience. Through the past decade, we have noticed the power of video content and people’s inclination to consume video content more than other media.

There’s no longer a one-size-fits-all solution for getting customers to your product. Instead, you have to customize your message for each individual customer and their unique needs. This is why digital marketing has become so important for fashion brands. Brands can no longer afford to ignore digital channels like Google, Facebook, and YouTube. These channels provide the opportunity to reach a much wider audience while keeping your marketing budget low.

There are more than a billion users on YouTube, and people are watching more than 2 billion hours of video every day. Now you might be thinking, “How can I attract those consumers to my brand?” And that’s a great question. Because while YouTube is already one of the most popular digital marketing channels, it has a lot of room for growth. That’s why it’s so important for fashion brands to understand how YouTube advertising actually works.

In this article, we’ll cover the best ways to advertise your brand on YouTube. Let’s get started.

What Are The Benefits of YouTube Advertising?

The major benefits for a brand to use YouTube channels are:

The major benefits for a brand to use YouTube channels are:

Targeted Ads

  • Cost Effective
  • Brand Engagement
  • Brand Credibility
  • Traffic

YouTube advertising is a great way to market your brand to a huge audience at a very low cost.

Just like any other form of advertising, the goal is to make more sales. YouTube ads are effective because they allow you to reach a large audience quickly, for a very low cost.

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Here are the main benefits of advertising on YouTube:

Targeted Ads: YouTube ads are easy to target because you can choose specific topics, topics of interest, and demographics. YouTube ads are also easy to create. There are different types of ads that you could and ensure your target marketing the right audience set.

Cost-Effective: YouTube ads cost a very low amount, even when compared to other online marketing channels like Google Ads. When you consider how many impressions you can get for a small amount of money, YouTube ads are a great deal.

Here are some of the benchmark metrics regarding YouTube that a user should keep in mind:

Average CPV: $0.026​

Average View Rate: 31.9%​

Average View CTR: 0.514%​

Brand Engagement: YouTube ads have a high click-through rate (CTR). This means that people will click on your ad and take some kind of action after clicking on it.

Your goal is to make a customer take some kind of action after clicking on your ad. This action could be shopping for your product, writing a review, or just about anything you can think of.

When you consider that more than one-third of YouTube viewers watch ad content for more than 60 seconds, YouTube ads are highly engaging.

For example, YouTuber Emma Chamberlain who has 11 million subscribers on YouTube teamed up with Louis Vuitton for the fashion week and created ads that CTA’s which engaged audiences and drove traffic to her website.

Brand Credibility: YouTube ads are known for their long-term value. This is because YouTube ads can be seen for many months, even years at a time. There is no better way to build brand equity than by creating a memorable advertisement that people will remember for years. From 2016 to 2019, the number of YouTube channels focused on fashion and design increased by 400%. Top models like Karlie Kloss and Naomi Campbell to name a few are using YouTube as a medium to reach out to their audience base.

YouTube Advertising Platforms

According to an article published by Google, In 2020, 205 fashion shows were broadcasted through YouTube leading to 100 million views. 108 new business partners joined through the various shows that were hosted. A 900% increase was noticed in the “Fashion” business vertical on YouTube. Thanks to YouTube “Men’s fashion” is picking up. In the men’s fashion week in July, 93 brands presented their men’s fashion line on YouTube. 53 of those brands did it for the first time.

The YouTube platform is powerful and there are many different places you can advertise your brand on YouTube. The different ways to create an ad format on YouTube within Google Ads or Dv360. They are as follows:

Trueview – TrueView is a YouTube video ad format that gives a viewer the option to skip an ad after 5 seconds of viewing it.

Pre-Roll – Pre-Roll ads are a YouTube video ad format that is commonly 15, 30, and 60-second ads.

Bumper Ads – Bumper ads are a short video format that lasts for 6 seconds or less that loads before the YouTube video selected to watch

Trueview Ads: Ads can be showcased on GDN (Google Display Network) in addition to appearing on YouTube. There are two types of Trueview Ads:

In-Stream Ads – In-Stream Ads that play before, during, or right after your Youtube video has finished playing. If you do decide to select in-stream ads you can include a call to action that you can personalize to fit your messaging. Brands and advertisers should keep in mind that users have the capability to skip the ads 5 seconds in. So the messaging has to be concise.

Discovery Ads – These are ads that show up on the side rails on the YouTube search result page. The major difference between In-stream ads and discovery ads is that for discovery ads businesses get charged each time a user clicks on them, unlike in-stream ads where a brand or an advertiser gets charged if their ads get viewed for more than 15 seconds.

Pre Roll Ads – The user cannot skip the ads. The ad can appear before the video starts or the middle or the end of the video. The video ads can usually be 15 seconds long. For a pre-roll ad ensure that you have a call to action and make it easy for the viewer to learn more about your brand.

Bumper Ads: They are similar to pre-roll ads where the user cannot skip the ad. The ads usually land up being 6 seconds long and play directly before the video on YouTube. Bumper ads are great for brand awareness and are not best suited if you are trying to promote a product or sell something that is information-heavy. The advertiser has to make sure that their ads are concise and stick to the narrative.

The Best Ways to Advertise Your Brand on YouTube

Now that you know the benefits of advertising on YouTube, let’s move on to the best ways to advertise your brand on YouTube. There are many different ways to use YouTube ads. But, the main goal of all YouTube ads should be to drive awareness and, ultimately, sales.

Ensure you have an engaging YouTube Channel: If you are a fashion brand you want to ensure your channel creates the right experience for your potential customers. Also, ensure you have the following:

– Have behind the scene video of the type of content you are creating

– Have appealing video and imagery

– Clothing line demonstrations and clothing review

Ensure you have an engaging YouTube Channel: If you are a fashion brand you want to ensure your channel creates the right experience for your potential customers. Also, ensure you have the following:

– Have behind the scene video of the type of content you are creating

– Have appealing video and imagery

– Clothing line demonstrations and clothing review

  • Deploy Remarketing campaigns to re-engage customers
  • Using DV360 or Google Ads you can deploy remarketing campaigns. Create a remarketing list to drive traffic from your YouTube ads to your website. The audience is already familiar with your product and the likelihood of them re-engaging with your ads is higher than normal.
  • Optimize your marketing campaign
  • Study your campaign for CPV, CTR, and CTA to ensure that you are hitting certain benchmarks that you have set for your campaign. Additionally, you can layer on a search campaign to gather more traction for your business.
  • Test different ad formats. By doing so, you can find the right fit for your campaign. Alternatively, test your target audience and ensure you have the right fit.
  • Ensure you study your audience information for the number of shares, likes, and ad video views.

Summing Up

YouTube ads are an easy way to market your brand to a huge audience at a very low cost. Just like any other form of advertising, the goal is to make more sales. YouTube ads are effective because they allow you to reach a large audience quickly, for a very low cost. We saw the spring of 2021 men’s fashion collection with Saint Laurent. Using YouTube as a medium Saint Laurent was able to generate 19.4 million views across the different videos that they released during the fashion week.

YouTube definitely has changed the way consumers interact with brands as they have the direct ability to communicate with them. By taking the necessary steps stated in the blog you can ensure that your marketing campaign is going to be a success!

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