Programmatic Advertising in a Post-Cookie World: Everything Advertisers Should Know

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July 13, 2022
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Programmatic Buying is a type of advertising that allows for ads’ automated purchase and placement. Experts predict that programmatic buying ad spending will grow in 2022, specifically by 16% this year. It allows for more efficient and effective use of ad spending and targeting potential customers. The main advantage of programmatic buying is that it allows for more targeted and efficient advertising. For example, suppose a company knows its target customer is a woman aged 25-34. In that case, it can use programmatic buying to only purchase ad space on websites that cater to that demographic. This eliminates wasted ad spending on placements that are not likely to reach the target audience.​

One of the biggest challenges is the lack of cookies in a post-cookie world is a type of advertising that allows for ads’ automated purchase and placement.​ Cookies are small data placed on a user’s device to track their online activity across different websites. Without cookies, it becomes difficult to target ads and understand consumer habits.

Despite this challenge, programmatic buying is still expected to grow in 2022. This is due to the continued increase in spending on digital advertising and the shift towards more automated ad buying methods.

What has changed in advertising?

Cookies are a popular means for websites to remember what you’ve been doing on their site. Cookies can be disabled, deleted, or refreshed at any time without notice. Some people may choose not to have them enabled to free up space on their device – but they’ll automatically go away after X periods of use (or when the browser is restarted). This process also applies if someone changes devices; while this doesn’t usually happen very often, thanks again for technology advancements!


Privacy regulations set by GDPR and CCPA are essential to protect people’s privacy. They cover data collection, storage, and processing. Without these regulations, companies would be able to do what they please with personal data.  Experts predict that programmatic buying ad spending will grow in 2022, specifically by General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) this year, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the Colorado Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) are all data privacy laws that have been enacted in recent years. Each of these laws has different provisions, but they all share the goal of protecting individuals’ personal information. GDPR was enacted in 2018 and it applies to any company that processes the personal data of individuals in the European Union.

The law requires companies to get explicit consent from individuals before collecting, using or sharing their data. Companies must also provide individuals with clear and concise information about their rights under GDPR and ensure that personal data is processed fairly and transparently. CCPA was enacted in 2020 and it applies to any company that processes the personal data of California residents. The law requires companies to provide individuals with the right to know what personal data is being collected about them, the right to have that data deleted, and the right to opt out of the sale of their data. CPRA was enacted in 2021, and it applies to any company that processes the personal data of Colorado residents. The law requires companies to provide individuals with the right to know what personal data is being collected about them, the right to have that data deleted, and the right to opt-out of the sale of their data.

These laws are all designed to protect the personal information of individuals, and they represent a significant shift in how companies must handle data. If your company processes the personal data of individuals, it is vital to ensure that you comply with all of these laws. Failure to do so could result in significant penalties.

Google’s role in tackling privacy issues

There is a lot of speculation surrounding Google and third-party cookies. Google has not given a clear answer as to whether or not they are getting rid of third-party cookies, but there is a possibility that they may do so in the future. This would majorly impact online advertising, as many companies rely on third-party cookies to track user data. If Google eliminates third-party cookies, it could change the landscape of online advertising forever. FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts) and implement a new way of advertising to the marketspace by introducing Topics. This is a new way of targeting ads based on interests rather than demographics. Google Chrome, the browser, will determine a set of topics that are of high interest to an individual. There will be five topics associated with a user. The topics are stored for 3 weeks and the data sets will be processed on the device that the individual is using.

As of January 2020, Google began phasing out third-party tracking cookies from its Chrome web browser. This means that advertisers will no longer be able to use cookies to track users across the web for ad targeting purposes. Google aims for the end of the third-party cookies on Chrome to be set for 2023 and has continued to find alternate solutions that will allow advertisers to reach a privacy-first web. Google’s decision is a significant blow to the online advertising industry, which has relied on third-party cookies for years to target ads at users. The move could also significantly impact publishers, who could see their ad revenues decline. It’s unclear how exactly Google plans to replace third-party cookies with alternative technologies. Still, the company has said it is committed to developing new ways like implementing Google Fledge to deliver relevant ads to users while protecting their privacy.

What exactly is Google Fledge?

Google Fledge is a third-party cookie management system that helps publishers serve more relevant ads to their readers. It allows Google to track cookies placed on a user’s browser by third-party advertisers and then share that data with the publisher so they can deliver more targeted ads. Under the proposal, third-party cookies would be replaced with “fledges,” which would be stored on the user’s device and accessed only with the user’s permission.

This ultimately benefits both the advertiser and the reader, leading to more relevant and valuable ads being served. However, some users may object to having their browsing data tracked this way. For this reason, the proposal also calls for a new “Ad ID” system that would allow users to opt-out of targeted advertising altogether.

It’s important to note that third-party cookies are different from first-party cookies. First-party cookies are placed on your browser by the website you’re visiting, while third-party cookies are placed on your browser by advertisers or other third-party companies. Google Fledge only deals with third-party cookies.

How it works

Ultimately, the removal of third-party cookies will transform the digital landscape entirely. As more and more people move away from third-party cookies, Google is working on a new way to track people across the web while still protecting users’ privacy. The company’s TURTLEDOVE proposal would create a new identifier that advertisers could use to target ads while respecting user privacy.

One way that TURTLEDOVE could work is through Google’s Fledge browser extension. Fledge would collect information about the sites you visit and share it with Google in an anonymized form. This would allow Google to build a profile of your interests without knowing who you are.

Google FLEDGE operates on Google’s There will be TURTLEDOVE PROPOSAL proposal, which sets data-privacy standards for the following:

– Browsers may store behavioral data about their users.
– Advertisers could use this data but cannot combine it with other information gathered while trying to deliver ads to users.
– Ad networks may not store users’ interest data.

Mobile Geotargeting

Additionally, one of the most powerful targeting tools available in programmatic buying is geo-targeting, which allows marketers to reach mobile users based on their location. Mobile geotargeting is a method of targeting mobile ads to specific locations. This can be done using GPS data, wireless network signals, or by detecting the location of the user’s device.

Geo-targeting mobile users can be an extremely effective way to reach your target audience, and there are a few different ways to do it. One way is to use GPS data to target mobile users in a specific location. This can be done through programmatic platforms like DV 360 (DoubleClick Bid Manager), TradeDesk, Amobee, and Xandr.

Another way to geo-target mobile users is through IP address targeting. This method uses the user’s IP address to determine their location and deliver ads accordingly. No matter which method you choose, geo-targeting mobile users can effectively reach your target audience and deliver your message.


Audio is often an essential part of these ads, and programmatic buying can provide greater control and flexibility regarding audio. Audio advertising can be a great way to reach potential customers, as it can be played on various platforms, including radio, podcasts, and streaming services. Plus, audio ads are often less expensive than other types of advertising, such as television or print ads.

With programmatic buying buyers can choose the specific audio they want to use in their ads and specify when and how often that audio should play. This allows for a more customized and effective ad campaign and greater control over the overall budget. Audio is an integral part of many programmatic ad campaigns, and with the right approach, it can be a powerful tool for reaching potential customers.

Spotify is now selling ad inventory on its platform, allowing brands to reach users through audio ads. The move comes as the streaming service looks to capitalize on its growing user base and expand its revenue streams. Audio advertising is a growing trend in the digital marketing space, and Spotify is well-positioned to take advantage of this. The company has a large and engaged user base, and its platform offers a unique way for brands to reach consumers.

With Spotify’s new ad inventory, brands can target users based on their listening habits and preferences. This will allow for more personalized and effective advertising campaigns. Adding audio ads is just one of many new monetization strategies that Spotify is pursuing. The company is also testing video ads, and it has launched a new subscription service for businesses.

OTT advertising

OTT advertising is a type of programmatic advertising that specifically targets users who are watching content on over-the-top (OTT) platforms, such as streaming video services like Amazon and Hulu. OTT advertising allows advertisers to target specific audiences with highly relevant ads that are more likely to result in conversions. OTT advertising allows advertisers to target specific demographics, interests, and even households. Additionally, OTT advertising provides an opportunity for interactive and engaging ads that can lead to higher conversion rates. For example, if an advertiser knows that a particular user is interested in travel, they could target that user with ads for travel-related products or services.

The Hershey Company has used Amazon streaming ads in its marketing campaigns for several years. By placing ads on popular streaming platforms, The Hershey Company can reach a broad audience with its message.

The Hershey Company’s use of amazon streaming ads has been highly influential in promoting their products and increasing brand awareness. Due to the success of The Hershey Company’s amazon streaming ads campaigns, other companies have started to emulate their approach. This is further evidence of the effectiveness of using Amazon streaming ads as a marketing tool.

Programmatic buying is becoming increasingly popular as it offers a more efficient and effective way to reach target audiences. According to a 2022 report from eMarketer, nearly 1.88 billion people around the world will use subscription OTT services like Netflix, Disney+, and Amazon Prime Video. OTT advertising is expected to grow significantly in the next few years as more and more people are streaming content on OTT platforms. This shift to streaming services presents an ample opportunity for marketers. OTT platforms offer a wealth of data that can be used to target ads in a way that traditional TV simply can’t match.
Reach and frequency are two essential metrics in advertising and are critical in OTT advertising.

Reach is the number of people who see your ad, while frequency is the number of times they see it. There are a few things to remember when thinking about reach and frequency in OTT advertising. First, OTT platforms have a lot of potential reach. Millions of people use these platforms, so even a tiny percentage of them seeing your ad can make a big difference.

Second, OTT ads can be very effective even if only seen a few times. Because people are generally engaged with their screens when watching OTT content, they’re more likely to notice and remember ads. It’s important to consider how you want to distribute your ad budget across different OTT platforms. Each platform has its audience, so you’ll need to tailor your ad campaigns accordingly.

OOH Advertising

Concurrently, through Google ads, advertisers have access to Google Display Network. Google Display Network offers Google ad users access to a robust list of domains and YouTube channels to advertise on. This is provided to the user at no additional cost making Google ads a cost-effective method for advertisers.

There are many reasons why people need OOH advertising. For one, OOH advertising is a great way to reach people on the go. People who are constantly on the move are often challenging to reach with traditional forms of advertising, such as television and radio. OOH, advertising allows businesses to reach these individuals with targeted messages that can grab their attention. Another reason why people need OOH advertising is that it is a great way to stand out from the competition. With so many businesses competing for attention, it can be challenging to get noticed. OOH, advertising provides a way to break through the clutter and grab attention.

OOH advertising is a great way to build brand awareness. People who see your brand repeatedly are more likely to remember it and associate it with positive thoughts and feelings. OOH, advertising can help you build a strong brand that people will recognize and trust. These are just a few of the reasons why people need OOH advertising. If you are looking for a way to reach more people, stand out from the competition, and build your brand, consider investing in OOH advertising.

OOH advertising can have a broad reach, depending on the placement of the ads. For example, drivers and passengers often see billboards on busy roads, while bus stop ads can be seen by pedestrians waiting for their bus. OOH, advertising can also have a high frequency, meaning people see the same ad multiple times. This can help create top-of-mind awareness for a product or brand.

There are three leading platforms for OOH advertising: billboards, transit advertising, and street furniture. Billboards are the most common form of OOH advertising and can be found in both urban and rural areas. In 2021 alone, in the United States, there were 173,985 billboards.

Transit advertising includes ads on buses, trains, and other public transportation and is a popular choice for advertisers targeting commuters. Street furniture refers to ads placed on benches, phone booths, and other public fixtures and offers a more targeted approach than other forms of OOH advertising.

OOH programmatic buying can help you reach your target audience more effectively and efficiently. When programmatically buying OOH advertising, you’ll need to consider a few key factors:

1. Target audience: Who are you trying to reach with your OOH advertising? Knowing your target audience will help you choose the suitable locations and media for your campaign.
2. Budget: How much will you spend on your OOH programmatic campaign? Keep in mind that programmatic buying can be more cost-effective than traditional methods, so you may be able to get more out of your budget.
3. Campaign objectives: What are you hoping to achieve with your OOH programmatic campaign? Make sure your objectives are realistic and achievable and that you have a plan to measure success.

Wrap up

With all the changes brought into the digital advertising world, brands and advertisers are searching for a solution that works seamlessly with their digital marketing campaigns. Advertisers can implement contextual targeting seamlessly without any issues. Contextual targeting does not need any third-party cookie or device id to run. By studying the content (video, audio, or text), an AI platform like AdSkate can come up with conclusive results that the user can incorporate into their marketing campaign.

Programmatic buying is one of the most complex aspects of digital marketing, and its future remains uncertain in a post-cookie world. However, as long as Google remains dedicated to tackling privacy issues and providing transparency for both buyers and sellers, programmatic buying will likely continue to grow in popularity. What do you think the future of programmatic buying looks like? Let us know in the comments!

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