How did Atomic Values Boost their Landing Page Views Using AI?

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Atomic Values, an Ayurvedic brand, sought data-driven insights using AdSkate’s AI to assess the performance of their display campaign’s creatives.


AdSkate analyzed Atomic Value's ad creatives and campaign data to assess the performance of creative attributes and parameters.

Campaign Details

Ad Creatives Analyzed: 69

Images: 23

Videos: 46

Creative Attributes Identified: 58

Campaign Length: 2 weeks

Savings with AdSkate: 17%

Creative Extraction Examples

Objects: Pill bottle, graphics, label, bottle, man, woman

Primary Ad Message: “BLACK FRIDAY SALE!", "Boosts Vitality & Vigor"

Campaign Insights Using AdSkate’s AI

  • The objects 'pill bottle'. 'graphics, and 'label' led to a 48% improvement in CTR.
  • Incorporating the primary ad message "Promotes Healthy Digestion" and "Boosts Vitality & Vigor" led to a 32% increase in Total Landing Page View.
  • Ad creatives showcasing the objects "bottle", "man", and "woman" boosted Add To Cart by 50%.

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